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Amazing Request Made By A Student To His Teacher

March 10, 2020

Student asks teacher to give bonus points to 'whoever scores the lowest'.

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Credits : The points that the student gave away anabled a classmate to get a passing grade. //


Winston Lee, a teacher at Letcher County Central High School, was picking up exams about World War II in his 11th-grade history class, when he noticed an asterisk with a small note toward the bottom of one exam sheet.

Which was " If you could, can you give my bonus points to whoever scores the lowest?"

Teacher Lee was "taken aback" by his student's request for extra bonus points to be given to the student who faills.

According to Lee, he took it as a really compassionate , loving and kind act from a young student that most people would consider rare. No one wanted to give up what he had earned, so blindly.

Lee mentioned, one of his student received an extra five points on the exam after doing well in the previous day's review game. The straight-A student ended up scoring 94 on the exam and the points he gave away allowed his classmate to go from a failing to passig grade.

Although his generosity received a lot of positive feedback, some questioned whether giving a student who did not pass the extra points was the right thing to do.

Some people are of the opinion " an offer to help the struggling student(s) to learn the material would be better. But teacher Lee has no regrets, and people "overthought" what took place.

Teacher Lee wanted to consider it as a positive act rather than nagative. Lee wanted to honor what this student had asked for and felt he earned his right to give his points away because it was such an amazing gesture.

Lee hopes his student's spontaneous act of kindness serves as an even greater lesson outside the classroom.

It's one of an amazing expereince where a student willingly give away something that he had earned to allow an extra opportunity for someone else. So the ultimate message is to take from his example and pay it forward.



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